May 4, 2009

No! Eh? Chut up!

At first glance, the title looks a bit like "O RLY? YA RLY! NO WAI!" But I can assure you that "No! Eh? Chut up!" has nothing to do with owls. It is merely a homage to a quiz I found floating around the depths of the information superhighway. I mention this not because it's related in any way to this blog, but simply as an excuse to use the phrase "information superhighway". Ooh yeah. Gotta love that information superhighway.

Welcome back to the CJ Curry Experience. It's an M-rated, pretentious blog written by an M-rated, pretentious blogger, but it still loves you in a way that your parents never did.

Who likes things to be arbitrary? I do. I even like the word "Arbitrary". It's my word of the week. I'm told I go through phases like that, and that they last about a month. Phases have included parkour, Grand Theft Auto, cheese, and the information superhighway.


Ooh yeah. Nonsequiturs.

Anyway. On with the show. I like cheeeeeeeeeeese...

The best thing about being at uni is the level of freedom. Again, this is a point that is completely irrelevant to this post. So, no more about uni.

When life gets you down, stay down. You're going to be dealt another blow in a few minutes, and life has a pretty nasty left hook. Just wait until life is about to hit you again, then jump back up, kick it in the crotch, and win. Because life is just worth winning at.

Utopia! I have found my own personal utopia! Sitting Lying in my room, with chillout music pumping at an astounding 40 decibels through my headphones which basically block out all other sound, wrapped in my rug and playing video games... BLISS!!!

Song lyrics! My other social networking site has my statuses as simply song lyrics. Deal with it because I like it like that and song lyrics are very representative of my mood at times, particularly when I'm in my own little utopia... BLISS!!!

The information superhighway! What an arbitrary name.

I need cheese.

I just found a social networking viral note asking me to write 25 random facts about me, I shall do this and repost it next Experience. Fun!

I know it's an epic fail of me, but I need dinner. Silicon chips I bought from an information superhighway truckstop just won't do.

How arbitrary of me...

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