It's another arbitrarily-given CJ Curry gift post!
My life is currently ruled by:
- A&W vanilla cream soda. I had a dozen cans in my fridge last Thursday. I now have one.
- Kitsuné Maison music.
- Cricket Captain 2006. I just started my fifth season and I re-signed a bunch of people that I lost last season due to international commitZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
- My red leadership shirt. For a better explanation see this thing here.
- Kerry O'Keeffe's book Skullduggery. What a hilarious man.
- Club music.
- The huge desire for a gaming computer. Pretty soon that dream should become a reality, and I'll be able to blog from something other than a Mac. (Don't hate.)
- Cake bars, Tim Tams, Nerds, barbeque sauce.
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the huge desire to get better. MUCH better. I'm way too aggressive.
- Pasta.
- Drum and Bass music.
- My new iPod Touch. There really is an app for it.
- "A Man Walked Into A Bar" jokes. -- A chicken walks into a bar, and tells the bartender "Sorry, wrong joke."
- Bits of paper telling me I'm enrolled in this, that and the other class.
O week.Done!- Blue ballpoint pens.
Walks on the beach at sunset.- Fantales.
- Microhouse music.
- Thins chips.
- The Oblique Strategies.
- My email, which has given me at least three emails every weekday for the last three weeks. Do the maths yourself.
- Free O Week food.
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Seriousness ahoy!
join the experience again soon...