September 7, 2011

Whose butt do I have to kiss NOW?!


Right. Time to begin. I think. *checks watch* No, we're still waiting on a couple of slackarses. We need to get this show on the road, otherwise kittens will die. And we like kittens here and we don't want them to die. If they're not here in the next three sentences, we'll have to start without them.

I like pie. (one)

I've been pretty heavily snowed-under, so it should come as no surprise that I've been posting less. (two)

Green. (three)

Damn those lazy bastards. Well, time to get going.

I have discovered recently that Australia is the land of logical fallacies, Catch-22s and paradoxes. See, not only do we have the platypus, laws against hot pink pants, and Centrelink; they also have me as a guest every so often. I mean, hell, look at me. Would *you* want me? Good thing Australia isn't Curryland. Or rather, Curryland isn't Australia. Or... whatever the hell.


Assignment season is upon us once again, and by the looks, it's going to be a magnificent harvest. Not for me, mind, but for the chumps who are assessing us. I hope they get as much stress out of marking our assignments as we get for writing them. Soon it'll be study season, then exam season. Heh. The four seasons of a semester: orientation, assignment, study, exam. Each one lasting different amounts of time. Orientation: four to five. Assignment: five. Study: six. Exam: three. Then holidays. Then back into it. Bloody university.

With further ado, I present the end of this post. And the further ado is this:


Catchy, isn't it? And now, we have a small dot:


Thank you. And now we have an aeroplane cutting me off mid-

Thank you, aeroplane. Now, I present you with an amusing fact to finish us off:

"There are two types of people in this world - those who can extrapolate information from incomplete data, "


LetGoThePast Blog said...

Do you think about optimizing the blog posts for search algorithms?

CJ Curry said...

Rarely. I'm only doing this for shits and giggs, so I really don't need that stuff.

Also, hi! How (and who) are you?

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