June 23, 2012

That boy needs therapy!

the end is nigh.


See extra large. I like this.

So, it's time for the season finale. Again. Thus endeth the seventh season of the CJ Curry Experience, and my god, it was a fucked-up season. Here's a quick summary.
  1. Mid February. I explained who Biscuit was, showed you my personal history, and wondered what the hell Johnny cakes were. In real life I was mindfucking myself.
  2. Mid February. I asked what love, happiness, comfort and π were, explained the Curryland tax on randomness, and welcomed a bunch of n00bs to the machine. Which I also did out there in the analogue void.
  3. Early March. The drama was happening in my life as I wrote about DNA, a couple of people I'd met in the past week and a half, and mashed my keyboard.
  4. Early March. There was nothing else to do except escape from the still-dramatic drama and procrastinate by dying my hair and talking to Clarabell the Cow. Babylon.
  5. Mid March. Explained stuff in ten parts, though the seventh part was done twice and the final part was the ninth. I also invented the word "plarqet".
  6. Mid March. I seemed obsessed with green, since that was the colour of my hair. I was also obsessed with the White Lion.
  7. Late March. My life in ten stardates, but I also managed to squeeze in a little bit about being amazed. Also a hedgehog. I like hedgehog. (Someone asked if I was obsessed with suricata.)
  8. Early April. Somehow I was inspired to write fiction. How dare I do that, when there's stupidity and randomness to be written! But I wrote about someone crazy in the coconut. That makes up for it.
  9. Mid April. It was all music lyrics. I swear. A full list follows. Reality had sunk in and I was attempting to be classworthy and collegeworthy and friendshipworthy. With some success. Balance is win.
  10. Mid April. 'Twas time to show off my new-found chav nature and obsession with LISP. Also my fangirlishness et al.
  11. Late April. The experiment to shock a nation: what happens when CJ doesn't have any ideas or inspiration? He gets eaten by a velociraptor. Don't worry, I got better.
  12. Early May. Possibly the most boring post I wrote all season, to reflect the fact that nothing of interest was happening in my life at the time. Early May is always a hum-de-hum.
  13. Early May. A tour of Curryland for the uninitiated (and believe me, there are always uninitiated people every year). Stuck to the hum-de-hum.
  14. Mid May. I wrote another newspost. I love doing those because I get to be punny! I also get to poke fun at as many politicians as I can.
  15. Late May. Sleep-deprived, I struggled with topology and Melbourne WTF weather. Also killed my GPU. Also got saddled with more drama and work than I could handle, as the unthinkable semi-thinkable happened. Again. But I handled it.
  16. Early June. Lost the Game, won the musics. Seems as though one in every ten posts is musical. I really did make that mix. I loved it.
  17. Early June. Figured I'd best get a wriggle on as exams started happening. So my post frequency started increasing a little. And I played out the first few moves of a chess game.
  18. Mid June. My list of games, purely for your interest. Mind, at the time I was halfway through exam study, so probably not a good idea...
  19. Mid June. A few surveys, in order to give you lot a deeper understanding about the inner workings of my mind.
  20. Late June. Possibly the latest in June I've ever posted. Talked about the season, wrapped it up nicely with a little bow, and gave it specially to YOU. (No, not you. YOU.)
So. That list I promised.
  • Niton (The Reason) - Eric Prydz
  • Holding The Moth - Underworld
  • Right Time - Kaskade
  • And I'm Telling You - Gramophonedzie
  • All These Things - Darren Hanlon
  • Time To Pretend - MGMT
  • Keep It Goin' (Louder) - Major Lazer
  • Slide - Tommy Trash
  • It's Our Future - Awex
  • Home - Chakra
  • Galore - Style Of Eye
  • Say You Will - Kajmere ft. Dajee
  • Papillon - Editors
  • Because - Hi Fi Serious
  • Tout Est Bleu - Jean-Michel Jarre
  • I Still Love You - Switch
  • Could This Be Real - Sub Focus
  • Sad Song - Au Revoir Simone
  • Inside - Bang Gang
  • Heartbeat - Annie (a mondegreen)
  • With Every Heartbeat - Robyn
  • With Or Without You - U2
  • Foreign Language - Flight Facilities ft. Jess
  • Love For Granted - Phoenix
  • No Stopping Us - Kic Pimpz
  • Forever - Dee Dee
  • Precious Heart - Tall Paul
  • Magic Love - Bent
  • Swimming Pool - Catcall
  • Wonders Never Cease - Morcheeba
  • Mass Destruction - Faithless
  • Remember (To The Millennium) - The Morrighan
  • Bangarang - Skrillex
I'm now going to scoot away for a while, unfuck myself, and prepare for season 8. Coming at you in late July, maybe early August if I don't pull my finger out of my arsehole and get going straightaway. Also keep 'em peeled for the FYP editions, coming in seasons 9 and 10!

See you in July!

*ahem* For those who have been patient enough to scroll down, here is a season eight preview:
  • I shall study discrete algebraic structures, network and web security, operating systems and applied statistics. Gods help me. (post ~1)
  • It's about time for me to pass the baton. I've been running this race for quite a while now, so someone else is going to take over. (post ~7)
  • I shall run, I shall smack (with a racquet), I shall hit (with a pool cue) and I shall do more of the fun-filled leisure activities I've been doing for ages. (posts ~7 and ~16)
  • Finally, I will get through all of Neon Genesis Evangelion. (post... actually, that could be anywhere)
  • One episode will be dedicated solely to my mission log. My mission: Extra Life. To be carried out in mid-October. I aim for 16/24, wish me luck and sponsoringness! (post ~14)
  • My seventh ball. I've not said much about the other six - a special post, perhaps. (post ~15)
  • I say a final farewell to, and have my final hoo-rah at, the place that has housed me so well for four years. (post 17-20 - a four-part special, perhaps?)


apanickahh said...

Thank you so much, really.
Okay so here is the thing when I first started to read this I felt... like shit(well not entirely true my moods were jumping around so much you would think it was flubber but I while I had highs as well as low they wern't based on anything).
Anyway enter this here blog it made me feel better at least a little better made it easier to deal. I'm not sure how or why but it is comforting I mean when I feel crap now sometime I just pick out a post at random and read it.
So thank you for this and for being you. You and everyone else down there have helped me so much, have changed me(mostly for the better[also um yeah you can and do change people or at least me]).

CJ Curry said...

That's... unexpected. But awesome. Thank you, too, for being a loyal reader!

apanickahh said...

What can I say you do good blog also give good hugs... when I get to see you that is.

apanickahh said...

Wait you do know it is me right... if not then it must seem a little creepy. I am going to assume you do know.

CJ Curry said...

Yes, I know who this is. And you'll see me again - pretty soon, too, from the sounds.

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