April 19, 2009

I think I'm thinking, therefore I may possibly be.

Oh man. Not again.

Welcome back to the CJ Curry Experience. It's an experience of pretentiousness, smartarseness, elitism, technology, maturism, floccinaucinihinipilification, and only two made-up words.

I figure it's about time I did a survey. One of those annoying online ones. Except this one isn't annoying. Nor was it originally online. You'll recognise it if you read the gnus.


-My earliest memory is... three o'clock, yesterday afternoon.
-At school I... was a reasonably diligent student (read: nerd).
-My first relationship was... still going strong (if I write something stupid, she'll kill me).
-I don't like talking about... you. I only like talking about me.
-My most treasured possession is... floppy most of the time.
-My parents always told me... puns.
-I wish I had... more comedic skill.
-I wish I hadn't... more comedic skill.
-My most humiliating moment was... Never! As far as you know.
-My happiest moment was... three o'clock, yesterday afternoon.
-At home I cook... food. Food food food food, food food?
-My last meal would be... edible. It would contain the key to escape.
-I'm very bad at... writing. Obviously.
-If I wasn't me I'd like to be... a 72-year-old hippie from Arkansas.
-The last big belly laugh I had was... reading back my own blog to myself. (God, I'm so up myself.)
-When I was a child I wanted to... write a blog. Despite the fact that blogs hadn't been invented.
-The book that changed my life is... The Folk Of The Faraway Tree. It taught me to not be racist.
-It's not fashionable, but I love... fashion.
-Friends say I am... A dork. Well, I proved them right.
-The song I'd like played at my funeral is... Is there a song out there called "Wake The Dead"?
-My greatest fear is... running out of jokes.
-At the moment I'm reading... Pyramids by Terry Pratchett.
-At the moment I'm listening to... Pyramid by John Dahlbäck.
-If only I could... stop being pretentious. But that'd ruin the whole thread of the blog.
-The hardest thing I've ever done was... pretend to be pretentious.
-What I don't find amusing is... you.
-I'm always being asked... Shut the fuck up, Curry man!
-Cat or dog... They both have three letters.
-My worst job was... being repetitively annoying.
-I often wonder... Will I ever shut up?

Bye now.

(What were the two made-up words? Floccinaucinihinipilification is not one of them. Though it may have been misspelt.)

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